

breast Milk or alternative feed - which do you Choose?

As a new mother, I was determined to provide the best nutrition for my baby. I had read extensively about the benefits of breast milk, and I believed it was the most natural and compatible option for my child. No formula could copy the precise sequence of nutrients and antibodies found in breast milk.

I felt prepared and ready to set off on this breastfeeding journey. However, life had other plans. I underwent a c-section, a detail that was notably absent from the books I had read. The entire process of natural birth, which was supposed to be an integral part of the breastfeeding experience, was disrupted.

It's easy to feel envious of other mothers who seem to have an abundant supply of breast milk, but it's important to remember that every mother's journey is unique. I was grateful for the small amounts of "liquid gold" I could provide for my baby, knowing that even a little bit of colostrum goes a long way in providing essential nutrients and antibodies.

The challenges of breastfeeding can be overwhelming, especially when reality doesn't align with the idyllic stories we often hear. I found myself questioning whether stress was impacting my milk production or if I simply didn't have enough milk to satisfy my hungry baby.

Breastfeeding is not always easy, and I wish the institutions that promote it would be more transparent about the challenges that comes with it. By providing more detailed information, mothers could be better prepared when things don't go as expected.

It's crucial to understand that struggling with milk supply doesn't make you any less of a mother.

In my case, I found a solution that worked for both my baby and me. I alternated between breast milk and an choice feed (not formula) to ensure my baby received the nourishment they needed.

Breast milk is undoubtedly useful, but it is not the only path to a healthy, thriving baby. 

The most important thing is ensuring your baby receives the nourishment they need, whether it comes from breast milk or formula or alternative feed. 

Breast milk vs formula

Breast Milk


* Contains unique balance of nutrient for your baby

* Boost immune system

* Rich in antibodies and white blood cells which helps your baby fight against a wide range of illnesses and infections

* Contains growth-promoting hormones
* Contains prebiotics for healthy gut development

* Forces a strong emotional bond between baby and mother

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